Project family (2012) at poster presentation

Concept of project families

In order to create an inspiring learning environment for students, ZeroWaste Byg takes advantage of the teaching concept “project families”.

Student thesis projects (2-5) are conducted in one project family. The projects have closely related topics and are experimentally based. In the first part, the projects follow very similar schemes, where after the specific focus of each project takes off in individual directions, dependent on the findings from the experimental work. For a description of the project family concept and organization see (Ottosen et al 2014).

The teaching concept received the DTU Award for the Development of Teaching and Learning in 2017.

Since the first project family in 2013 more than 100 students have finished their BSc, BEng or MSc thesis in a ZeroWaste Byg project family. We always welcome new students who wish to work with sustainable construction materials and circular economy.


Ottosen, L.M..; Goltermann, P.; Jensen, P.E. (2014) organization of BSc and MSc projects in project families. Proceedings of the 10th International CDIO conference, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain, June 16-19, 2014 (10 pages)

Goltermann, P.; Ottosen, L.M.; Nielsen, J.H.; Schmidt, J.W.; Jensen, P.E.; Kirkelund, G.; Olesen, J.F. (2018) Project families: How to improve learning in thesis works and increase impact on research.