Mathiasen, R.K. (2014)
Anvendelse af slamaske fra depot i beton - den friske betons egenskaber
BSc thesis (In Danish)
Milled sludge ash from the open air deposit at Avedøre Spildevandscenter is used. From characterization of the ash it is found that treatment is necessary to meet the requirements of the heavy metal content, for the coal fly ashes, set by Danish Standard. Loss on ignition, grain size and Cl content fulfill the requirements for coal fly ash. The ash contains 12 wt% P and the influence of soluble P on the strength was in focus of the work. Addition Ammonium Dihydrogen
Phosphate (ADP) to the reference-recipe in the approximately same concentrations as the in the ash-containing recipes was done. Based on setting time and compressive strength of the mortars with ADP it was found that the lowest concentration of ADP did not have a significant influence on the compressive strength of the mortar prisms, but for the prisms containing the highest concentration of ADP, the compressive strength was 12.4 MPa lower than the compressive strength of reference sample of 45.9 MPa.
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