Svensson, S.J.
Methodology and testing of waste fishing net as fibre reinforcement in mortar
MSc project (2016)
This Master Thesis examines the use of fibers from waste fishing nets for fiber reinforcement in cement mortar samples. The thesis is divided into two main part: (I) investigations of the waste fibers in terms of mechanical properties, alkali resistance and thermal properties, and (II) investigation of the waste fibers in cement mortar in terms of compressive strength, flexural strength and flexural toughness.
The waste fishing net was collected at Gilleleje Harbour and it was made of polyamide 6 (nylon 6). The result of the mechanical properties showed a tensile strength of 840 MPa and a Young's Modulus of 960 MPa. The fibers showed good alkali resistance in terms of mass and volume perseverance; however, the fibers had a strength reduction of 30% after exposure to high alkalinity.
When casting the fiber reinforced mortar prisms, two length of fibers were tested; 2 cm and 4 cm. During and after casting the waste fibers showed good distribution qualities within the mortar mixture, which is crucial for fiber reinforcement.
The compressive strength decreased for the mortar specimens with waste fibers, compared to the reference specimens. In terms of flexural strength, the waste fibers decreased the initial crack strength with 2 to 10% compared to the reference specimens, but maintained a significant flexural strength after the initial crack. The fiber reinforced mortar specimens maintained up to 50% strength of the initial flexural strength.
For the flexural toughness, the waste fibers had a major positive effect and multiplied the energy the mortar specimens were able to absorb, compared to the unreinforced reference specimens.
In conclusion, the polyamide waste fibers yielded overall positive result as fiber reinforcement.
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